
Military-Style Checkpoint Program Shut Down

The PCJF filed the successful lawsuit challenging the military-style checkpoint program set up in Trinidad, a predominantly Black neighborhood in Washington, D.C., where police surrounded the targeted neighborhood, interrogated people without suspicion, and prohibited entry to those persons who lacked a police-defined "legitimate reason" for driving into the neighborhood. A unanimous three-judge panel of D.C. Circuit declared the checkpoint program unconstitutional.
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Exposed: FBI Surveillance of School of the Americas Watch

The FBI flagrantly abused its counter-terrorism authority to conduct a widespread surveillance and monitoring operation of School of Americas Watch (SOAW), a nonviolent activist organization. Hundreds of pages of documents obtained by the PCJF, on behalf of SOAW, once again revealed the FBI’s functioning as a political surveillance and intelligence operation and its use of its domestic terrorism authority against peaceful protest in the U.S.
Read MoreExposed: FBI Surveillance of School of the Americas Watch