Public Space Access

Stopping Trump’s Plan to Crush Protest in the Nation’s Capital

In 2018, at the same time the Trump administration and other proponents of bigotry, repression, and environmental devastation ratcheted up their verbal attacks against a protest against them, they took concrete actions to shut down free speech actions in Washington, D.C. In rapid-response, PCJF then led a national organizing, education, and outreach campaign bringing together organizations and grassroots groups across the country, that resulted in more than 140,000 comments to the formal record.
Read MoreStopping Trump’s Plan to Crush Protest in the Nation’s Capital

Civil Rights Groups Challenge Protest Restrictions at Speech by Self-Proclaimed White Nationalist Richard Spencer at University of Florida

Florida Legal Services and the PCJF sent a letter to the University of Florida raising constitutional issues about restrictions enacted for anti-fascist and anti-racist protests planned on October 19, 2017.
Read MoreCivil Rights Groups Challenge Protest Restrictions at Speech by Self-Proclaimed White Nationalist Richard Spencer at University of Florida