Movement Defense
Free Artistic Expression on Campus Extinguished Under Pressure from FBI Agent’s Association
Esquire: How the Government is Turning Protesters into Felons
Brooklyn Bridge (Garcia) – Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Amicus Brief 2017
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed an amicus curiae brief asking the Supreme Court to rule that police must provide fair warning…
PCJF Joins Legal Team Defending Water Protectors at Standing Rock
The PCJF is proud to be part of the legal team litigating in federal court against the violent, militarized police suppression of Water Protectors at…
Supreme Court Petition filed in Landmark Mass Protest Arrest Case
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund and co-counsel Paul Hughes of Mayer Brown LLP and the Yale Law School Supreme Court Clinic have filed a…
Brooklyn Bridge (Garcia) – Petition for Writ of Certiorari 2017
PCJF filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to hear Garcia v. Bloomberg, the lawsuit challenging the mass arrest of 700 peaceful demonstrators on the…
Nominated D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham directed mass unconstitutional arrests
PCJF calls for D.C. Council to reject his appointment Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser has today appointed Peter Newsham the Chief of Police. Newsham’s conduct…
U.S. News and World Report: Inauguration Mass Arrest of Protesters, Journalists a Throwback With a Familiar Face, Attorneys Say
Excerpt from U.S. News and World Report | Read the article here. Verheyden-Hilliard says she doubts that standard can be met in the pending case.…
Faced with imminent litigation, National Park Service releases permits for protest spaces during Inaugural weekend
Today the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund notified the National Park Service that litigation was imminent and that permits, including for the Ellipse and other…
Listen: PCJF’s Carl Messineo: Will Trump Keep Protesters off Federal Grounds?
From KBOO: Guest host Linda Olson-Osterlund is joined by Carl Messineo, Legal Director of The Partnership For Civil Justice Fund. He talks about the efforts…
NPR Audio: No Permits Yet Granted To Expected Inauguration Protesters
Anti-Trump Protesters Upset They Haven’t Been Assigned Inauguration Day Sites Excerpt from NPR. Click here to listen to the report from NPR Thousands of people…