Free Speech

Civil Rights Groups Challenge Protest Restrictions at Speech by Self-Proclaimed White Nationalist Richard Spencer at University of Florida

Florida Legal Services and the PCJF sent a letter to the University of Florida raising constitutional issues about restrictions enacted for anti-fascist and anti-racist protests planned on October 19, 2017.
Read MoreCivil Rights Groups Challenge Protest Restrictions at Speech by Self-Proclaimed White Nationalist Richard Spencer at University of Florida

The Fight to Strike Down Unconstitutional Regulations on Postering

The PCJF waged a decade long battle to strike down the District of Columbia’s unconstitutional regulations on postering winning a string of victories in the lower court which forced the District to repeatedly rewrite its unlawful regulations. The final iterations were upheld by the D.C. Circuit despite the PCJF’s continued objection to remaining rules that determined how posters were regulated based on the content of the words. 
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